“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
Water Filters: Making the Difference
Future Roots Project was invited to collaborate with Rotary Clubs from Oklahoma on a remarkable water filtration project. We distributed 300 filters to families in the rural villages, who were drinking and cooking with contaminated water.
The small, easy to use filtration system was designed by Sawyer to connect to a 5 gallon bucket and it can last for up to 20 years when maintained properly. When it is time to clean the filter, water stops flowing out and can be cleaned by “backwashing it” using a water filled syringe. The tiny microfibers in the filter use a similar process as our kidneys in dialysis and removes 99.9% of all bacteria, reducing common illnesses like diarrhea and parasites.
Each distribution starts with the education component that addresses questions and concerns regarding drinking contaminated water. Many people do not know that the invisible, microscopic parasites in their clear, good tasting water can make their families sick. The next part is the assembly of the filters. After an explanation of each piece, they are shown how to connect the filter to the 5 gallon bucket that has the pre-drilled hole. Then after each recipient assembles their own filter and demonstrates that they successfully know how to clean the filter when needed, they take it home.
Of all the different humanitarian efforts that I have seen, both from Rotary and other organizations, this project makes the most significant, immediate difference in a community. To provide an entire household with clean drinking water for up to 20 years for less than $50.00 per filter is beyond impressive. With the help of our supporters, Future Roots hopes to continue distributing filters in the communities we serve.


Changing Lives One Smile at a Time
It was by chance that Future Roots crossed paths with the Grand Prairie Rotary Club from Texas during the visit of the dental brigade. They were thrilled to learn we were fluent in Spanish and asked us to help. As international Rotary volunteers, we were happy to help translate. The time flew by in a flash, but not in the good sense; more in the traumatic, “what just happened?” kind of way. Our team has no background in medicine or dentistry, and seeing hundreds of children be treated in three days was exhausting. The main goal of the project was to apply sealants to children’s teeth to prevent cavities, but instead, we found serious dental decay that required extractions and, in some cases, antibiotics. Some children showed up in such pain from ongoing issues, they kept begging to have their teeth pulled. Others needed more than one extraction and came back several days in a row.
The services provided by these amazing dentists likely saved these kids’ lives, and because this project was so important, we continued to partner with them each year. They generously gave us one thousand extra toothbrushes, which we handed out to kids while talking about dental education.

Keeping Each Other Safe
Future Roots is dedicated to finding innovative solutions to ever-changing problems faced by the communities we serve. The families , the first place Future Roots worked, are currently facing extra challenges caused by the pandemic. Our community health initiative aims to provide accurate information about Coronavirus, and we are providing free masks with disinfectant. Nobody should have to choose between buying masks or feeding their family a modest breakfast. In addition to the economic difficulties, not having enough water is another challenge faced by many, which makes it more difficult to properly sanitize. By sponsoring this ongoing community health campaign, we hope to keep each other safe and protect the community.

Coming Together for Community Sports
Future Roots recognizes the significant role that sports plays in human development. In addition to the obvious outcomes of getting exercise and being healthier, there are many other important benefits of team sport, including reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. Sports teach valuable life skills about goal setting, discipline, teamwork, respect, fairness, and resilience. This emotional control also fosters confidence and healthy self-esteem, leading to more effective communication skills and more friendships.
Each year, Future Roots Project sponsors a few soccer and baseball teams located in areas of extreme poverty. We believe this opportunity improves not only the physical health of participants but, ultimately, also their cognitive functioning, too.
If you, your company, or community group are interested in sponsoring a team this year, please contact Future Roots Project for more details.

Helping Children Heal During a Disaster

Future Roots cofounder Jaime Belden is studying in an international program aimed to help kids after disasters like earthquakes, fires, floods, and wars. Emergency pedagogy was started by Bernd Ruf and is based on the Waldorf Methodology from Germany.
Emergency pedagogic interventions focus on psychologically traumatized children and adolescents in war zones and disaster areas. Emergency pedagogy helps stabilize affected individuals psychologically and socially. This is done by supporting them in their efforts to process the traumatizing events, and thereby integrate them into their own biography. Through the activation of the body’s self-healing powers, possible long-term post-traumatic stress disorders can be minimized or avoided altogether.
Please visit the link below to learn more about the program.